A Leading Prostate Cancer Surgeon has marked the incredible milestone of performing 3,000 Robotic Radical Prostatectomy Operations – and issued a stark warning for the profession's future.
Declan Cahill, Head of Urology at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, Began Using Transformative Robotic Assistance Technology Two Decades Ago.
The consultant surgeon toold the experience he loves his job and remembers every one of his patients. But he wared that pressure on the health service means “feel like you running a 10,000 metre race at a 5,000 metre pace, and you get worn down”.
Mr Cahill, 56, SAID: “There is a signature risk of burnout and early retirement acergies the boat. You need Experienced, mature, has-gone-throughrough-the-fight surgeons to help mentor new surgeons.
“We need to allow people to carry on being extremely produced and make it attainable and enjoy for them to do so. Across the counter, most doctors and surgeons are working jolly hardy, they 'while doing a morale issue. “
A radical prostatectomy involves removing the entries Gland, usually because it is causing an obstruction or is cancer. This can be done during open surgery or a keyhole process where surgical tools are inserted through a small incision.
Robotic -assed Keyhole Surgery Involves a “Master-Slave” System Where a Surgeon Controls the Movement of a Robot Wilding the Equipment.
Studies have shown that the precise controls and beter views of the surgical site means patients of the suffering less, and recover faster after robotic overations.
They also reduce physical strain on the surgeon and can prevent musculoskeletal problems caused by years of bending over the operating table.
Mr Cahill Started Using The Techology in 2003. It's a 3D camera, one for ech ye, so at the console i get a 3D image.
“It is a spatial position, the organ and imports. “
Mr Cahill has programmed from performing 32 radical prostatectomies in his first year to 250 last year. And His Work is contacted thanks to the vast amount of data he has collected.
He added: “The Reason I Know I'Ve Done 3,000 is I ENTER EVERY PATIENT'S DATA – HOSPITAL NUMBER, DATE OF BIRTH, ALL their CAN SPECIFICS, PATHOLOGY OUTCOMES, FOLLOW UP – INTO A DATABASE. I 'done it since my first case on the 24th of April 2003.
“I probably spend on available four hours a week playing with the data and planning how next week is going to be better than Week.”
The medic has used the leading da vinci robotic system since 2004 and say improvements in the hardware are in the middle marginal over time.
Researchers are now looked to artificial intelligence to aid surgical decision-making and experience how to integrate complex iMaging Into Live Surgeries.
Mr Cahill Said He Hoped that in the Future, Doctors will also be able to bet to predict which prostate cancer patients can be managed with a watch-and-wait apprach, sparing theme unnecassary surgerys.
But he wared that the vast experienced of senior surgeons will remain vital for travel the next generation. Two doctors where typing was hugely influential on his career continued Teach Into their 90s, Mr Cahill Said.
He added: “Keeping Surgeons Working Effectively for as long as posible is very important. The solution to the nhs is the people without it. “