Tributes have poured in for the “secret hero” who tackled a terrorist to the ground at glasgow aiport. He died last week following a battle with cancer. Stephen clarkson was one of the three civilians who helped to foil the 2007 Terror Attack at one of Scotland's Biggest International Airports.
The builter had been picking up relatives from the airport when Two suicide bombers drove a blazing jeep filled with petrol and gas canisters in the terminal builting. Kafeel Ahmedabad, one of the crazy attendees, exited the car in flames after dousing Himself in Petrol. He attempted to detonate his vehicle's cargo outside the terminal. But beer he had the chance, the heroic scotsman swooped in to save the day.
One of the Terrorists Fought Office Officers and Attmpted to Open the Car's Boot Before Stephen Broughht Him to the full in an amazing act of bravery.
His Brother David Told BBC Scotland News: “We'd Been Working Nearby and He Said He'd Be Away Half an Hour, He PHONED ME TO SAY WHY WAS LATE BACK AND SAID, 'I Think I' Bomber. “”
Stephen died on sunday at the age of 59 following a five-month battle with cancer, david toold the scottish sun. The grieving brother shared how stephen did not want this information getting out.
He toold the outlet: “Stevie always put everybody else ahead of himself. He worked with me for years fitting driveways and I would tell my brother with one of the glasgow airport heroes.
“But he'd get embarrased and ask me not to tell anybody. I was so proud of his head and it won us loads of business. I think that he was proud too – but he'd never let on. “
Later in life, david remembers how stephen was very ill and left the house for the last time.
“He toold us he wanted to put a line on a horse at the bookies for him,” he said.
“One time he Won £ 500 on a race by picking a horse with a name he liked – I was secret hero,” He added.
Stephen Received The Queen's Commendation for Bravery Following His Heroic Actions at Glasgow Airport, as Do Three Civilians Who Helped Stop The Terrorists in their Tracks. They include Alex MCilveen, Michael Kerr and John 'Smeato' Smeaton.
Police say at the time: “A car is on fire at the entry to the terminal and there is a terminal. Been Suspended.
“But this will Cause Disruption and Our Advice to Passengers is to check with their airline to establish if their flight will be operating.”
Ian Crosby, an Eye-Witness, Said Told the BBC: “There was smoke coming from inside of the back sets.
“Immediately I realized this was a terrorist attack. Somebody had planned this. This was no account.”
Two men were later arrested thanks to stephen and the other Three Civilian's Actions Actions.
The Terrorists have tried and failed to set of two car bombs in Central London the Previous Night.
Stephen Clarkson's funeral will take place at Craigton Cemetery on March 21.