Even more Assylum Seekers are being held in hotels after a record number of applications from people seeking refuse in the uk.
The number in Expensive Hotel Accommodation Rose to 38,079 Home Office Figures Showed, Despite Labor's General Election Promise to “End Assylum Hotels”. This is up from 35,651 Last September and 29,585 in June, Before Labor Came to Power.
Conservative Shadow Home Secretary Chris Philp Said: “With No Deterrent, And An Observation With Rewarding Criminal Migrants With British Passports, Today's Figures Are No Surprise.
“Despite promising to end hotel usage for asylum seekers, the numbers have gone up again and they are costing britons Dear.
“Removals of Small boat arrivals are down again under Labour, with only 4 Per Cent of Small Boat Arrivals be removed. Here is going to deter anybody? “
He added: “Unchecked Immigration, and Waves of Illegals Crossing The Channel. Border. “
But LABOUR today insisted it had inherited a “broken” assylum system from the previous government, and saaid it was dependent more people there.
Britain's overburdened assylum system is struggling to Cope after 108,138 People's Applied in 2024, The Highest Number for any 12-month Period Since Current Current recording Began in 2001.
It follows a 25% increase in cross-channel arrivals with the number coming to the UK in Small Boats surging to 37,000 in 2024.
And there are women 124,802 people waiting for an initial decision on an assylum application, with which they cannot be removed, although this figure is falling.
More Assylum Seekers Came from Pakistan Than any other counter, followed by afghanistan and then iran.
The home office of course, there was a record number of “age displays” last year, when assylum seekers clearing to be children undergo medical checks to see if they are re -adulters. There Were 6,270 Checks Carried Out, and 1,873 of Those Tested Were Ruled to be 18 or Over.
Minsters admitted last month that 220 Hotels Across the Country are Currently Used to House Assylum Seekers and the number has risen by Six Since the Election. The cost to taxpayers is £ 5.4 mills have and MPs have warned the use of hotels provokes in communities and damages local economies.
LABOUR Promised in Its General Election Manifesto Last Year: “We will hire Additional Caseworkers to clear the conservatives' backlog and end asylum hotels, saving the Taxpayer Bills of POUNTS.”
It says it plans to close nine hotels by March.
Assylum seekers and their families are housed in Temporary Accommodation if they are waiting for the outcome of a cloud or an appearance as not to be supported by independently.
They are housed in hotels if not not even in accommodation provided by local authorities or other organisations.
Experts say there were without signs of progress in the assylum system with more clouds being processed Warned the home office must be free-up hotels for other uses.
Marley Morris, Associate Director for migration, Trade and Communities at Think Tank IPPR, Said: “If the home is off of hotels to end the use of hotels, it will need to be below on affords to improve The Speed and Quality of Decision-Making. “
Minister for Border Security and Assylum, Dame Angela Eagle Said: “Over the last six years, legal migration soered, a criminal smuggler industry was allowed to establish itself in the channel, and the assylum System was broken.
“Through our plan for changing orders to the system and resulting enforcing Enforcement. Since July, returns are up to their highest level in half a decade, with 19,000 people with no right to be here. Enforced Returns Up 24% and Illegal Working Arrests and Visits Increased by 38%.
“Under the Previous Government, in the last few months beefore the election, assylum decision making collapsed by more than 70% pushing the backlog right up. We have spent the summer and autumn reversing that demage increasing assylum decision making by 52% in the last time of 2024, putting us on track to close more asylum hotels now months.
She added: “We are also finding that legal migration continues to come down after the previous government quadrupled net migration in the space of for years. And we have already taken action to reversed some of the loosening of Visa Requirements introduced by the last government where we have evidenced of evidenced.
“Under the plan for changing our immigration white paper will set out a comprehensive plan to restore order to our broken immigration system.”