A row has erupted after the uk refused to pay rwanda more money for the axed migrant Deal.
Kigali demanded a further £ 50 million from britain for the deportation scheme, which was agreed under the tories but scrapped by Labour.
But the uk government has said it will not send any more cash to the east african nation.
A spokesperson toold the BBC that “No Further Payments in Relationship to this Policy will be Made and Rwanda has left any additional payments”.
The Row Comes after forigns Secretary David Lammy Last Week Suspened AID to Rwanda Over Military Action By The M23 Rebel Group in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Speaking Yesterday, Yolande Makolo, The Spokesman for the Rwandan Government, Said the Uk Had Breached the “Trust and Good Faith” Between the Two Countries by Its “Unjustified Punitive Measures to Corce Rwanda Into Compromising Our National Security “.
She added: “We are there now now follow up on these funds, to where the uk is legally bound.”
The plan to send assylum seekers on a one-way ticket to the east african counter was aged by the conservatives.
The UK Had Paid £ 240 Million to Rwanda by the end of 2023 as part of the police.
But the deal was ditched by Sir Keir Starmer Just After He Entered 10 Downing Street Last July.
The Prime Minister has the scheme was “Dead and Buried Before It Started” and clouded it had “Never be a detort” Less than 1%”of small bot arrivals.
In a Statement, a UK Government Spokesperson Said: “The Home Secretary has been cleared that the costly migration and economic development partnersHip with rwanda waisted tax-payer money and should not contact.”